Our friend Kim was visiting, and we decided it would be appropriate to show her just how warped this pastime really is. We took her to the vicinity of Penn Roosevelt Park and showed her a couple of the nicer fragments of RoW, including the two alternate routes NE out of Stone Gap and the hillside track on Broad Mountain in Stone Gap. She actually seemed fairly interested, proving she’s a wacko too!
We then decided to really test her mettle on this rather humid day by looking for some new RoW. We took Crowfield Rd into Triester Valley. Heading off to the south of the road, we began looking for the RoW which we believe had to come through Smith Gap from previously-surveyed RoW found along Underwood Trail.
We crashed through brush. We sweated. Kim thought she had something. I thought I had something. Vince thought he had something. We crashed through brush. We sweated.
Let’s just say that the highlight of the afternoon was seeing a large hawk sitting in a tree at eye level about 10 feet from us. Seemed a little dazed and confused. Probably ate a defective mouse.
We commend Kim’s patience with our insanity! Net mileage: ZERO.