With a little time to spare on a sunny and warm Sunday morning, Vince and I decided to continue a previous survey along Little Shingletown Rd near Hubler Gap. This would seem to be the extreme reaches of the Linden Hall Lumber Co., reaching back into Centre county just a short distance from Tussey Mountain ski area.
We started by taking Little Shingletown Rd a short distance NE from Hubler Gap. Parking at a pulloff on the left a ways before the road gate, we went north through a bit of open woods to find a minor fill along the stream previously identified by Vince. This is near to a wooden bench built along the stream, apparently intended for (very) rabid railfans to await the next log train. We started upstream along what I thought was the logical course, although traces were very slight. After a while, Vince (who was following with the GPS) got tired of my vague reports and crossed back to the south side of the stream, promptly finding what was clearly the actual RoW.
We followed this course upstream. At the first stream crossing, we found what appears to be a surviving bridge timber, although this one is square enough that it might actually be a sawmill product, rather than a hewn log. A short distance further upstream we encountered a stone fire pit, replete with three stone recliner chairs. Apparently the LHLC railroad crews pioneered the “Lazy Boy” concept during their lunch breaks! Or not.
The right of way continues through the middle of the party site and trends a bit up the north hillside from the stream, through a fairly vicious thicket of mountain laurel. Eventually it comes back down to a stream crossing which holds several remnants of timber. Unfortunately at that point I had to call time due to previous obligations, so we began a better survey back down the track we had just followed. It appears the track continues solidly. The only problem is that this portion of the paralleling road is well beyond a gate, making access a bit of a pain…
On the return trip, we continued along the path which Vince had discovered, realizing that my supposed track along the stream from our starting point was b-o-g-u-s, and that the real course was a much nicer, straighter track through fairly open woods, which appreciably departs from the stream course for a ways. It rejoins the fill along the stream just barely upstream from our original starting point.
0.91 miles added